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World of Warcraft: Thrall/Jaina child fan concept

Armor concept, since I really want her to be a paladin. Spanish colonial motif with Frostwolf symbols. References include Kul Tiran marines, her parents, Daelin, AND Durotan.

Armor concept, since I really want her to be a paladin. Spanish colonial motif with Frostwolf symbols. References include Kul Tiran marines, her parents, Daelin, AND Durotan.

Weapons concepts: The idea of her either inheriting some archaic Kul Tiran cutlass (the albatross for its symbology connected to bad luck), or a mixture of her heritages felt right. Halberds, axes with boar tusks, all stamped with her ancestors' names...

Weapons concepts: The idea of her either inheriting some archaic Kul Tiran cutlass (the albatross for its symbology connected to bad luck), or a mixture of her heritages felt right. Halberds, axes with boar tusks, all stamped with her ancestors' names...

Newer concept; the 'split' motif feels right, as does the straps and earth/sea colors present in both her mother and father.

Newer concept; the 'split' motif feels right, as does the straps and earth/sea colors present in both her mother and father.

An older concept with texture samples and a possible idea of stamping her leather vest with a crest.

An older concept with texture samples and a possible idea of stamping her leather vest with a crest.

Skin tone tests, referencing Jaina, Mag'har orcs, and Thrall's other children. Final is on the far left.

Skin tone tests, referencing Jaina, Mag'har orcs, and Thrall's other children. Final is on the far left.

Hair sketches, from Viking and Celtic braiding studies.

Hair sketches, from Viking and Celtic braiding studies.



Rocking the boat just a little bit more, haha...

This is a revision of a concept I did earlier this year, now that I have more time and a new iPad to work with. Now with some early sketches and color tests, woo! Her clothing is inspired by the Frostwolves, Jaina's BfA garb, and 1700's Irish and American colonial armor.

Concept and world belongs to Blizzard, obviously.

August 22, 2019