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Sketches: Summer 2019

Jaina obviously belongs to Blizzard Ent.

Jaina obviously belongs to Blizzard Ent.

My current WoW mains; Muuscatelle (arcane mage), Csillag (arcane mage :o), Cymbelline (void elf... something), Lohengrimm (arms warrior), and Fionnuala (holy priest)

My current WoW mains; Muuscatelle (arcane mage), Csillag (arcane mage :o), Cymbelline (void elf... something), Lohengrimm (arms warrior), and Fionnuala (holy priest)

Fish lady, nothing to see here... (more on here later!)

Fish lady, nothing to see here... (more on here later!)

So remember how I said I would upload my sketches per month?

WELL. Moving cross-country didnt help me make that schedule whatsoever, so here we are lumping them all together!

Descriptions of each on the image :D

September 27, 2019